Health and lifestyle

Why and how to start exercising

There are those who report actually feeling worse after exercise. This can be due to negative emotions, increased fatigue, or stress over having spent time on something that isn't a high priority.

Despite the well-known benefits of exercise - improved mental as well as physical health - many do not meet the recommended levels of physical activity. This points to a complexity in our relationship with exercise. Physical, but also psychological aspects play a crucial role.

The decision to start exercising and then continue regularly lies in a combination of emotional and more reflective thoughts about physical activity. Most know that exercising is good for health. But our immediate emotional reactions to the thought of, or during the performance of physical activity, can have a strong impact on our motivation to continue with the exercise. The reflective thoughts are about the knowledge of why it is good to exercise but also about your thoughts about yourself, your ability, and expected performance.

Through insights into what lies behind your motivation/lack of motivation and your experience of physical activity, you can influence this to maintain or start exercising.

Influence your experience By influencing how you perceive your workout sessions, you can change your emotional response to them. In this way, your motivation for continued exercise is affected.

Research has shown that previous experiences of exercise affect how we perceive and approach physical activity in the future. Positive experiences can lead to an increased desire to exercise, while negative experiences can create resistance. This can happen both on a conscious and subconscious level. This underlines the importance of creating positive exercise experiences. It's particularly important for those who are new and need to start and establish a new exercise habit.

One reason many do not reach the recommended level of physical activity may be that they do not find the form of exercise that suits them. People's preferences when it comes to exercise vary considerably, which includes the type of activity, time of day, intensity, and social context. This is where the importance of tailoring the exercise to the individual's unique preferences and experiences becomes clear. By making the exercise more personalised and enjoyable, the motivation to maintain a regular exercise habit can increase.

Some strategies for improving the experience of physical activity:

End your workout session in a way that feels positive: How you choose to end your workout session can have a big impact on how you remember the exercise. This might include some comfortable stretches to your favourite song or an activity that you find easier and more enjoyable. By improving the overall experience, you can influence the motivation for future workout sessions.

Adjust the intensity of the exercise:

For people who are new to exercise or who have had negative experiences with exercise in the past, it can be particularly important to avoid making the exercise too strenuous. By adjusting the exercise to a level that feels manageable, the risk of negative feelings can be reduced, and instead, positive associations with the exercise can be built up.

Use music to lift the mood:

The role of music in improving the exercise experience cannot be underestimated. Music can reduce the perceived effort and also increase joy and motivation during exercise. The choice of music, however, is personal and should reflect the individual's taste in music and match the tempo of the activity to maximise the effect.

Find an inspiring environment:

The environment where the exercise takes place is also of importance. Outdoor exercise, especially in scenic or pleasant environments, tends to be rated higher than indoor exercise in terms of enjoyment and satisfaction. This underlines the importance of choosing an exercise environment that contributes to a positive experience. What is an inspiring environment is highly individual, so feel free to experiment to find what suits you best!

Set goals that feel easy to succeed at the beginning:

By achieving success, confidence increases. The successes can then increase your motivation to continue exercising and gradually continue to move your boundaries.

Article reviewed by: 
Viktor Alamo Holm
February 13, 2024

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